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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • Research, academic articles, or systematic literature review in Thai and English. It is an article on nursing knowledge including fields of science related to health, public health, education, research, nursing services, and higher education in public health or health sciences, which can be applied at the policy or practice level.
  • The article that has not been previously published and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • The researcher/author of the research article which consists of an individual, a group of individuals, or a multidisciplinary team.
  • For the thesis research article, please submit the certification from the advisor with the advisor's signature.
  • The author must use Microsoft Word Version 97 format or higher, TH SarabunPSK, 16 font size, A4 paper, left and right edges with 1-inch spaced, single line spacing, and page numbers on every page.
  • The length of the article must not exceed 12 pages, of which its reference pages are not included.
  • The article title on the first page must be written in Thai and English and printed in the middle, with a bold font size 20 pt. The author's name is below the title in the middle, with a bold font size 18 pt. All content regarding the organizations that support research funding, work address, and contact email must be in Thai and English, using a font size of 16 pt. See additional details from the article preparation format menu available for download on the sidebar of the website.

Author Guidelines

The editorial team of the Kuakarun Journal of Nursing would like to invite all interested persons and members to submit academic and research articles in Thai for publication in the journal. The articles to be considered for publication must have useful content and results of the study can be applied at the policy or practice level. Before publication, all manuscripts must be reviewed by 3 experts, both inside and outside of Kuakarun Faculty of Nursing, who are experts with relevant expertise to the article's content and experience in nursing, both in terms of content, research, and statistical methods. The experts review the articles through the ThaiJO system and email or by the submitter from the editorial team.

Abstract Writing

The abstract must not exceed 250 words, providing readers with a quick overview of the articles. Written in a coherent order, it should include:

1. Brief importance of the problem in 2-3 lines, research type, objectives, population, and sample group, number of tools used in research, the originality of the conceptual framework, quality assessment, content validity, calculated figures, reliability, the formula used, data collection, protecting the rights of the participants and data analysis

2. Summary of research results and suggestions for research implementation

3. Keywords written in Thai and English are specified under the Abstract (not more than 5 words)

Writing content in research articles should be arranged according to the following order:

Abstract, introduction, research objectives, conceptual framework (if any), assumptions (if any), research methods, tools and quality of tools used in research, protecting the rights of the participants, data collection, data analysis, research results, discussion of research results, recommendations, and reference documents. English text inserted in the content must be written in lowercase, except for the technical terms.

Writing academic articles should be arranged according to the following order:

Abstract and keywords in both Thai and English. The content of articles written in Thai consists of an introduction, content, and conclusion. The language used is Thai and must be written in accordance with the principles of the Royal Society of Thailand. Avoid using English in Thai text, except in cases of necessity. Any translating of English words into Thai or transliterating them into English must adhere to the principles of the Royal Society of English. If the authors want to use English in parentheses in Thai content, use lowercase. 

Article submission requirements

1. Those who wish to publish research or academic articles must download the form from the website page. Submit the form and proof of payment with original manuscripts online at kjnnmu2560@gmail.com

2. References that are official correspondence or research papers in Thai must not exceed more than 10 years of publication. The citation system uses the Vancouvers' style, with no more than 20 lists of references.

3. Research articles completed within the past 5 years

4. Submit a copy of the letter confirming human research ethics approval from the Institutional Review Board (IRB)

***Remark. The editorial team reserves the right to refund in case the experts have considered that the article cannot be published or its content does not correspond to the objectives of the Kuakarun Journal of Nursing.