The Effects of a Self-Care Training Program on Self-Care behavior and Quality of Life in Young Stroke Survivors


  • Jutatip Tepsuwan Faculty of Nursing, Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University
  • Duangporn Pasuwan Faculty of Nursing, Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University




This Quasi-experimental research aimed to study the effects of a young stroke survivors self-care behaviors program on quality of life. The research samples were consisted of 60 young stroke patients. The experimental group received the self-care behaviors program for 6 months. Collected data from September 2022 to august 2023.

The results of the research study revealed in the experimental group, self-care behaviors were statistically and significantly higher than those before and the control group (p<.05). The quality of life, the average overall quality of life was at high level and higher than those before and the control group (p<.05). In addition, perception of their overall quality of life was higher than the control group (p<.05). Considering each aspect, the high score was thinking item (=3.83, SD=.46), energy item (=3.73, SD=.69) and vision item (=3.73, SD=.58). Further research should long term monitoring of quality of life of young stroke survivors.


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How to Cite

Tepsuwan J, Pasuwan D. The Effects of a Self-Care Training Program on Self-Care behavior and Quality of Life in Young Stroke Survivors. J Thai Stroke Soc [internet]. 2024 Dec. 23 [cited 2025 Mar. 15];23(3):20. available from:



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