The study of post-stroke aphasia recovery in subacute stroke patients after speech and language therapy in the rehabilitation ward at the Neurological Institute of Thailand


  • Pornsajee Tongchompunuch Department of rehabilitation medicine, Neurological institute of Thailand
  • Patthamaphorn Jaiklom Department of rehabilitation medicine, Neurological institute of Thailand


Post-stroke aphasia, Rehabilitation, Stroke, Speech and language therapy


Objective: To study the outcome of language recovery after speech and language therapy by the speech therapist in subacute post-stroke aphasic patients.

Method: This was an observational prospective study in subacute stroke patients with aphasia being hospitalized for stroke rehabilitation with the intermediate care program. Demographic and stroke data was recorded. Speech and language therapy was applied to the patients, 30 minutes per day, five days of a week, for four successive weeks. Aphasia assessment was performed with the Thai Adaptation of Western Aphasia Battery test (Thai WAB) before and after speech and language therapy. Type of aphasia was determined.

Result: 19 patients were recruited, of which 12 (63.2%) were male with a median age of 62 (IQR 53-67) year-old. Ischemic stroke was 11 (57.9%) and hemorrhagic stroke 8 (42.1%). After rehabilitation, a statistically significant increase was detected in all subtests (spontaneous speech, auditory comprehension, repetition, naming) and AQ score (P≤0.001). Severity of aphasia tended to be less severe. The types of aphasia also changed to the milder form.

Conclusion: Rehabilitation in subacute post-stroke aphasic patients according to intermediate care program could cause the increased outcome.


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How to Cite

Tongchompunuch P, Jaiklom P. The study of post-stroke aphasia recovery in subacute stroke patients after speech and language therapy in the rehabilitation ward at the Neurological Institute of Thailand. J Thai Stroke Soc [internet]. 2024 Dec. 23 [cited 2025 Mar. 15];23(3):11. available from:



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