Vascular contributions to cognitive impairment and dementia
stroke, dementia, vascular dementia, vascular risk factorAbstract
Vascular contributions to cognitive impairment and dementia is used to describe the role of a range of vascular risk and vascular lesions on cognition. Mid-life exposure (45-64 years) to hypertension, smoking, diabetes mellitus has greater impact on dementia risk than similar vascular risk factors in late-life (>65 years). The combined risk score is stronger predictor of cognitive decline than independent risk factors. After a stroke, approximate 30% of patients develop vascular dementia. Cognitive assessment should be performed at 3 months or beyond in those suspected cognitive decline, because early cognitive improvement has been found after acute stroke. For primary prevention, controlling some vascular risk factors during mid-life, such as hypertension has been shown to lower risk of mild cognitive impairment.
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