The Development of Stroke Risk Assessment by Application Risk Management Concept of COSO : ERM
Stroke, risk management, COSO conceptAbstract
Objectives: 1) to study the risky factors towards the occurrence of stroke, 2) to design and develop the risk assessment form, 3) to analyze the risk towards the occurrence of stroke.
Research Methodology: it is mixed-method research, using the survey of factors leading to the development of the tools. The study was done with thirty patients who were diagnosed suffering from stroke until being admitted. The data analysis was carried out by using mathematics principles and descriptive statistics.
Research Result: 1) the risky factors towards stroke 21 factors, 2) the factors capable of predicting the risks towards stroke disease, it remains 14 factors, 3) the risk assessment form toward the stroke disease consists of 4 parts; 1) lists assessment of personal characteristics, 2) lists assessment of behaviors in daily life, 3) assessment of other relating factors, and 4) chart of risk assessment toward stroke.
Conclusion: 1) the factors found was an indicator toward the risk of stroke occurrence, 2) the application of risk management principles according to the COSO: ERM concept for designing and developing the risk assessment form towards the occurrence of stoke based on cause and effect, 3) the risk assessment form towards the occurrence of stroke is capable of predicting the tendency of the risky behaviors towards the occurrence of stroke accurately.
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