Life review process in elderly people with end stage cancer: role of nurses in promoting spiritual well-being


  • Atchara Wongkanit Division of Radiation Oncology Nursing. Nursing department. King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital. Thai Red Cross Society


Life Review, Spiritual well-being, elderly people, End-stage cancer patients


The spiritual well-being is the sense of calm and peacefulness in mind. The elderly with end-stage cancer will perceive that this condition is incurable, and they will have very limited time left in their life. They will have a sense of loss, confusion, and loss of dignity. Moreover, they will become increasingly anxious about their life goals which may abruptly change. Some may have depression, separation and poor relationship with other people.

By promoting the spiritual well-being in this group of patients could potentially help the terminally ill elderly to accept their conditions more easily, help them facing with the illness and preparing for the death. Life review process is one of the methods that help improve the spiritual well-being in elderly people with late-stage cancer. This method can be done by the caregiver including the nurse. If we incorporate this method in the caring process of the advanced stage elderly patients, it will reduce the stress of their relatives and caregiver. This method should be a part of holistic care.


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How to Cite

Wongkanit A. Life review process in elderly people with end stage cancer: role of nurses in promoting spiritual well-being. J Thai Assn of Radiat Oncol [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 16 [cited 2024 Dec. 21];29(1):O1-O15. Available from:



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