Symptom experiences symptom management and quality of life in head and neck cancer patients with radiation induced xerostomia


  • นิรมล พจน์ด้วง ศูนย์มะเร็งลพบุรี
  • ฉวีวรรณ เจิมสม ศูนย์มะเร็งลพบุรี
  • จุไรรัตน์ ธรรมเพียร ศูนย์มะเร็งลพบุรี


Symptom experiences, quality of life, head and neck cancer, xerostomia, radiotherapy


The purpose of this descriptive study was to analyze the experience of certain symptoms, symptom management, and quality of life(QOL) in head and neck cancer patients with radiation induced xerostomia based on the Symptom Management Model of Dodd et al. (2001). The study focused on 80 patients with head and neck cancer who were treated by radiotherapy in Loburi Cancer Center. Data collection took place from January to March 2008. The data was collected by using Likert xerostomia questionnaires developed by Esbruch et al. (2001), Xerostomia - related QOL scale developed by Henson et al. (2001) and Symptom management questionnaires developed by Busakorn Sangkaew et al. (2006) and Sujira Foongfaung et al. (2007). The questionnaires were tested for content validity by 3 experts. The CVI was .95 and the reliability of The Cronbach' Alpha correlation coefficient in relation to two categories (Likert xerostomia questionnaries and Xeostomia - related QOL scale) were .81 and .74 respectively. The finding showed that 90% of the subjects had xerostomia. They had moderate distress and the most severe symptom was difficulty in swallowing dry or solid food. To improve their symptoms, the subjects used to have soft diet or small pieces of food and avoid tobacco, caffeine and alcohol consumption. They should sip water frequently, drink water at least 2000 cc/day and care oral hygiene by brushing teeth twice daily. Xerostomia affected their QOL. The severity of xerostomia was significantly associated with QOL (p = .01). In conclusion, xerostomia following radiotherapy in head and neck cancer patients was common and affected QOL. Thus health care team should pay more attention to this health problem and put a specific program to improve symptoms and QOL of these patients.


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How to Cite

พจน์ด้วง น, เจิมสม ฉ, ธรรมเพียร จ. Symptom experiences symptom management and quality of life in head and neck cancer patients with radiation induced xerostomia. J Thai Assn of Radiat Oncol [Internet]. 2009 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 21];15(1):93-106. Available from:



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