Effects of Community Participatory in Health Promotion Intervention Development on Knowledge and Self-Care Behavior Among Patients with Diabetes: A Case Study at Talat Khwan-Subdistrict, Doi Saket District, Chiang Mai Province


  • Peeranuch LeSeure University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth


Health promotion, Community-based, Diabetes, Village health volunteer, Self-care behavior, Knowledge



This quasi-experimental study was a one-group, pretest-posttest design aimed to examine the effects of community participatory in health promotion intervention development on knowledge and self-care behavior among patients with diabetes. The research took place at Talat Khwan-Subdistrict, Doi Saket District, Chiang Mai Province. Subjects were 20 patients who participated in health promotion intervention arranged by village health volunteers. The research instrument was the health promotion intervention for patient with diabetes. Data were collected using knowledge and self-care behavior questionnaire and were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis and t-test.

The results showed that after participating in the six-month health promotion program designed, planned, and implemented by the village volunteer leadership team, the mean scores of the participants’ knowledge and self-care behavior was significantly improved from 62.35 (SD. = 9.31) to 67.55 (SD. = 10.27) (p < .001) and 82.95 (SD. = 6.06) to 89.55 (SD. = 5.69) (p < .001), respectively.

The results demonstrate that community involvement in health promotion successfully improved knowledge and self-care behavior among people with diabetes. Therefore, this community-based approach should also be continually implemented in the community, and long-term outcomes should be examined. This approach should also be modified for other chronic illness health promotion and applied to other communities.



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How to Cite

LeSeure, P. (2021). Effects of Community Participatory in Health Promotion Intervention Development on Knowledge and Self-Care Behavior Among Patients with Diabetes: A Case Study at Talat Khwan-Subdistrict, Doi Saket District, Chiang Mai Province. Journal of Nurses Association of Thailand Northern Office, 27(1), 65–74. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jnorthnurse/article/view/245686



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