Outcomes of the development of Nakornping Cancer Network Online Consultation System
Cancer Network Online Consultation System, online consultation, Nakornping Cancer NetworkAbstract
Objective: To study the completed course of chemotherapy drugs, the duration of the trip, the cost of patient trips and the factors that affected receiving the completed course of chemotherapy drugs after the development of the Nakornping Cancer Network Online Consultation (NCN) system.
Method: This research was a retrospective cohort study comparing data before and after using the NCN system. Data were collected from all cancer patients who received standard chemotherapeutic regimens and living in the services areas M1 or M2 level district hospitals. The NCN group was a group of patients who were consulted via the NCN system and received chemotherapy at the district hospital near their homes from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2019. The standard group comprised of patients who followed standard referral system and underwent chemotherapy at Nakornping hospital from 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2017. Chemotherapy course completeness, transportation time and cost to Nakornping hospital were studied. Data were analysed by T-test Fisher's exact test and Mulitvariable logistic regression.
Results: The total 169 eligible patients were divided into 87 patients in the NCN group and 82 patients in the standard group. The research found that chemotherapy drugs were completed in 84 of 87 (96.55%) in the NCN group and 71 of 82 patients (86.59%) in standard group; the difference was statistically significant (p=0.025). The round trip duration was 0 hours in the NCN group compared to 5.10 (±1.61) hours in the standard group (p=0.00). The average cost per patient for the round-trip was 0 baht in the NCN group compared to 841.38 (±113.66) baht in the standard group, a statistically significant difference (p=0.00). Patients referred by the NCN system received the complete course of chemotherapy drugs around 11.49 times more frequently than those referred through the standard referral system (95 % CI 2.26-58.49), a statistically significant difference (p=0.003).
Conclusion: Patients using the NCN system had a higher receiving of the completed course of chemotherapy drugs, lower duration, and lower costs for a round trip than those in the standard referral system.
Nakornping Hospital, Policy and Planning Information Center. Cancer Patient Statistics. Chiangmai: Nakornping Hospital; 2020. (In Thai)
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