Effects of Pediatric Pneumonia Program on Knowledge and Skills of Caregivers in Pediatric Ward at Nakornping Hospital.


  • Urai Sinphaiboon Nakornping Hospital


Caregivers of pediatric patients with pneumonia, knowledge and skills, pediatric patients with pneumonia


This study is quasi-experimental research aimed to compare the effect of providing a program for knowledge on care of pediatric patients with pneumonia towards knowledge and skills of caregivers in Pediatric ward of Nakornping Hospital, Chiang Mai Province, from 1 March 2020 to 31 December 2020. The samples from purposive sampling were divided into 2 groups: 30 people of control group and 30 people of experimental group. The control group was treated normally and the experimental group was given a knowledge and skills on care of pediatric patients with pneumonia. The toots used to collect data include a questionnaire on knowledge and a questionnaire on skills and ability in care of pediatric patients with pneumonia. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the mean scores were compared using a t-test statistic. 

The fact finding revealed that basic information of the caregivers and pediatric patients with pneumonia of both groups were not statistically different. The pre-program knowledge on pneumonia of the caregivers in both groups were not different. As for the post-program knowledge, the control group had a mean score of knowledge on pneumonia at 9.90 ± 2.11 and the experimental group had a mean score at 13.93 ± 2.33. They were different with statistical significance at p < 0.001. The mean scores of pre-program skill of the caregivers in the control and experimental groups were not different. After the program for knowledge and skills on care of pediatric patients with pneumonia, the control group had the mean score at 21.97 ± 4.99 and the experimental group had a mean score at 32.50 ± 5.03. They were different with statistical significance at p < 0.001. The experimental group had a mean score of pre-knowledge on care of pediatric patients with pneumonia at 9.13 ±2.36 and that of post-program knowledge at 13.93± 2.33. The mean score of pre-program skill and ability on care of pediatric patients with pneumonia of the experimental group was at 19.10 ±3.27, while that of its post-program skill and ability was at 32.50 ± 5.03. They were statistically different at p < 0.001

Providing knowledge and skills in caring for pediatric patients with pneumonia to the caregivers while the patients are treated in the hospital helped the caregivers to have a better understanding of the disease and improved their skills to provide accurate care for the pediatric patients with pneumonia.


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How to Cite

Sinphaiboon, U. (2021). Effects of Pediatric Pneumonia Program on Knowledge and Skills of Caregivers in Pediatric Ward at Nakornping Hospital. Journal of Nakornping Hospital, 12(2), 167–182. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jnkp/article/view/250845



Research article