Solutions to Prevent New Smokers: The Challenge of Thai Society


  • Surasingha Sombat Suranartwatchawong คณะแพทยศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา
  • Natthaphatsorn Sombat


New smokers, tobacco control, challenge


The rate of cigarette smoking is increasing consecutively among adolescents and they start smoking at an earlier age because of their misconception, unaware of the dangers of cigarettes, as well as assistance from personnel in healthcare teams are discontinued, inconsistent, and do not meet demands. Healthcare teams and persons who are engaged with them must have knowledge and understanding of adolescent development as well as the dangers of cigarette smoking. Therefore, it is considered that they play a vital role to prevent teenage smoking via a campaign that promotes; protection, treatment, rehabilitation, and prevention. Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) was launched by the World Health Organization to be implemented as tobacco control in each country. The implementation of tobacco control in Thailand has been recognized globally, especially tobacco control laws which are known as the best regulation and most admired in the world. However, new smokers persistently emerge, particularly new, youth-aged smokers. Research on smoking behavior in B.E. 2560 revealed that the Thai population started smoking cigarettes at the age of 18-19 and the average age of cigarette smoking initiation was 16 years old. Determinants of new, youth smokers have multiple factors, i.e., the individual, friends, family, and the social environment around the individual. This article aims to propose guidelines to prevent new, youth smokers. Thai society has to change at each level to prevent new youth smokers.   These changes should include from at the policy, law and regulations level, at the societal and cultural level to at the individual level to prevent new smokers. These changes are very challenging for Thailand, yet it is possible and hope that these can sustainably prevent the rise of new smokers.


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How to Cite

Suranartwatchawong, S. S. ., & Sombat, N. . (2021). Solutions to Prevent New Smokers: The Challenge of Thai Society. Journal of Nakornping Hospital, 12(1), 205–222. Retrieved from



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