The Effects of a self-efficacy Promotion Program on caregivers’ confidence to Perform Nasal Irrigation for sick children with Retained Nasal Secretion in Fang Hospital, Chiang Mai Province


  • Areya Kunseub Fang Hospital


The caregivers of the sick children with Retained Nasal Secretion, Nasal Irrigation of the sick children with Retained Nasal Secretion, self-efficacy Promotion Program


This research is a quasi-experimental design. The purpose was to study the effects of a self-efficacy promotion program on caregivers’ confidence to perform nasal irrigation for sick children with retained nasal secretion in Fang Hospital, Chiang Mai between 1 June to 30 November, 2020. The sample divided into 25 cases of experimental group and 25 cases of control group, sampled by a specific method for caregivers of sick children that admitted in the pediatric ward and received a treatment plan from a doctor to perform a nasal irrigation. The instruments were a self-efficacy promotion program, general information query and questionnaire of a self-efficacy promotion program on caregivers’ confidence to perform nasal irrigation for sick children with retained nasal secretion. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics such as frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation and the inferential statistics were Exact Probability Test, Mann-Whitney U Test and Wilcoxon signed rank test.

The results were found that experimental group and control group had no different in the average score of confidence to perform nasal irrigation for sick children with retained nasal secretion before receiving the teaching program (p = 0.431). On the discharged date and one week after the experiment, the experimental group had significantly higher score than the control group (p< 0.001, p< 0.001). The average score of confidence experimental group on the discharged date of sick children was higher than before receiving the teaching program (p< 0.001). Average score of one week after the end of the experiment was higher than before teaching program (p <0.001). The average score of one week after the end of the experiment was higher than the discharged date of sick children to go home (p <0.001).  

The conclusion is a new self-efficacy promotion program on caregivers’ confidence to perform nasal irrigation for sick children with retained nasal secretion should be applied to increase the ability of care, help caregivers to gain knowledge and understanding, being confidence to perform nasal irrigation activities efficiently.


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How to Cite

Kunseub , A. (2020). The Effects of a self-efficacy Promotion Program on caregivers’ confidence to Perform Nasal Irrigation for sick children with Retained Nasal Secretion in Fang Hospital, Chiang Mai Province. Journal of Nakornping Hospital, 11(2). retrieved from



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