Factor Affecting Nursing Organizational Engagement of Professional nurses in Doisaket Hospitals, Chiangmai Province


  • Nongluck Khonluang Doisaket Hospital, Chiang Mai


Organizational engagement, Professional nurses Hospital


The descriptive research is aimed to study 1.) Factors affecting Nursing Organizational engagement 2.) The level of engagement with nursing organization 3.) The differences between the personal characteristics and engagement to nursing organizations 4.) Relationship between job satisfaction and engagement to nursing organizations of professional nurses. The population groups are 51 professional nurses at Doisaket hospital during April-October 2020. The study tool is the questionnaire on work satisfaction and organizational engagement of the Nursing Division, Ministry of Public Health. Data analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. The hypothesis was tested by t-test One Way ANOVA. LSD and Pearsonʼs product moment correlation.

Result: The characteristics of 51 professional nurses, most of them were aged over 40 years, had marital status, working period at the hospital more than 10 years and had income / remuneration of 25,000 baht or more. The study found that the level of engagement to nursing organizations was moderate (mean = 3.57, SD. = 0.39). Factors affecting organizational engagement including period of work (F = 3.855, P = 0.015) and income / remuneration (F = 3.861, P = 0.015). By Professional nurses with period of work of 21-30 years had more engagement to the organization more than professional nurses with period of operation 1-20 years. Professional nurses with income / remuneration of 45,001 baht or more had engagement to the organization more than professional nurse with income / remuneration below 45,001 baht. The overall job satisfaction was moderate level (mean = 3.34, S.D. = 0.54) and had a high level of positive relationships with engagement to nursing organizations. (r = 0.660, P-value < 0.001).

Conclusion: Job satisfaction, working period and income or remuneration are the main factors affecting nurse organization engagement including decrease professional nurses transfer or resign.


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How to Cite

Khonluang, N. . . (2020). Factor Affecting Nursing Organizational Engagement of Professional nurses in Doisaket Hospitals, Chiangmai Province. Journal of Nakornping Hospital, 11(2). Retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jnkp/article/view/245697



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