A comparison of success rate of primiparous caesarian mother between using one hand and hand off Breastfeeding technique


  • Autcharaporn Nakrit Nakornping Hospital
  • Busakorn Janjornmanit Nakornping Hospital
  • Ranu Doungsri Mae Tang Hospital, Chiang Mai
  • Khemika Sirirojporn Boromarajonani College of Nursing Chiang Mai


Primiparous Cesarian mother, hand off technique, exclusive breastfeeding


Objective: To assess the success of exclusive breastfeeding teaching technique between using hand off and one hand technique in primiparous caesarian mothers 

Study design: This is a quasi-experimental research and posttest control group design in primiparous caesarian mothers in Nakornping hospital during January-April 2020. Subjects were selective sampling and divided into 2 groups, a study group: a mother who had been taught to use hand off technique and a control group: a mother who had been taught to use one hand technique. Questionnaires were used to evaluate the outcomes. Data was analyzed using descriptive; number, percentage, mean, median, SD, iqr and analytic statistics; Chi-Square and Mann-Whitney U test.

Result: Mothers in the study group had low complication than the control group in terms of nipple pain (n=3, 7.7%, p=0.035) nipple cracking (n= 2, 11.5%, p=0.048) and breast engorgement (n= 6, 23.1%, p=0.044). They also had sufficient milk supply more than the control group, p= 0.008. They had intention to exclusive breastfeed than the control group, 25 mothers (96.2% vs. 19(73.1%), p=0.021). In addition, their intended duration to exclusive breastfeeding was 27.36 weeks (SD 5.50) in the study group compared to 21.79 weeks (SD 6.70) in the control group, p= 0.022.

Conclusions: The hand off technique breastfeeding had increased desire to 6 months exclusive breastfeeding and it is easy and feasible to imply to support breastfeeding program.  


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How to Cite

Nakrit, A. ., Janjornmanit, B. ., Doungsri, R., & Sirirojporn, K. . (2020). A comparison of success rate of primiparous caesarian mother between using one hand and hand off Breastfeeding technique. Journal of Nakornping Hospital, 11(2). retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jnkp/article/view/245692



Research article