Development Clinical Nursing Practice Guideline for Acute Kidney Injury Patients with Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy in Medical Intensive Care Unit Nakornping Hospital, Chiang Mai Province


  • Bangon Khuenkum Nakornping Hospital


Clinical Nursing Practice guidelines, acute kidney injury patients, continuous renal replacement therapy


Objective:, To develop and evaluate the effect of clinical practice guidelines for acute kidney injury patients receiving continuous renal replacement therapy.

                 Methods: This research and developmental study consists of the nursing processes which can be divided into 3 phases, before -treatment, treatment period, and the end of treatment period.  Samples included 1) 54 professional nurses in intensive care unit of medicine 1, 2, 3 and stroke unit, and 2) patients before and after using the guideline, 68 and 64 patients, respectively. Study period was done during March 2018 and December 2019. Data collection tools consisted of 1) the personal data record form of nurses and patients 2) Questionnaire on nursing practice guidelines 3) The activity practice questionnaire according to the nursing practice guidelines. 4) Outcomes record forms. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, chi-square, while outcomes data were analyzed using linear regression and logistic regression.

                 Results: This study outcome had been done and resulted in a newly developed clinical nursing practice guideline for acute kidney injury in patients with continuous renal replacement therapy in medical intensive care unit. Nurses who used the clinical practice guidelines had the highest level of opinions (94.4 %). After the implementation of the guidelines, most of the activities were performed. Treatment outcomes had statistically significant in maintaining longer duration of continuous renal replacement therapy at Adj.mean dif 34.92 hours [95%CI (27.25 - 38.63) (p < 0.001)]. Regarding complication, for example, the filter clotting had decreased, Adj. Odds ratio 0.11 [95 % CI (0.05 - 0.27) (P < 0.001)] and mean of serum BUN had decreased from baseline, Adj.mean dif  -16.04 [95 % CI (-29.72, -2.36) (P < 0.022)].

                 Conclusion: The developed CNPG is suitable for patients in the medical intensive care unit. Treatment outcomes were improved and there was increase in nursing activities practice according to nursing practice in each phase of treatment.


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How to Cite

Khuenkum , B. . (2020). Development Clinical Nursing Practice Guideline for Acute Kidney Injury Patients with Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy in Medical Intensive Care Unit Nakornping Hospital, Chiang Mai Province. Journal of Nakornping Hospital, 11(2). Retrieved from



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