Effect of Ratranee cold pack Application on protecting peripheral phlebitis in private patients Nakornping Hospital


  • ดรุณี ดลรัตนภัทร


Patients received intravenous drugs or fluids have a high risk of developing peripheral phlebitis thus seeking protection methods are very important. This experimental research aims to study the effect of using the Ratranee cold pack, which created by the researcher, to prevent the peripheral phlebitis. The cold pack utilized the low freezing point of 70% alcohol which is 114.1 Celsius. This attributes allow the cold pack to be attached to the organs which needed compression. Between August, and September 2016, 80 patients were treated with intravenous at the Nakornping hospital. Sample group received the first antibiotic at the time of congestion. The experimental group and the control group were group of 40 patients selected randomly. After the antibiotic has been injected for 15 minutes, the experiment group received the cold compress on the area of the injection. On the contrary, the control group received regular care without a cold compression. The evaluation method used to divided the level of inflammation of the infusion is base on the infusion Nurse Society Scale which are 0:  No symptoms   1: Erythema at access site with or without pain   2: Pain at access site with erythema and/or edema   3: Pain at access site with erythema  streak formation palpable venous cord    4    Pain at access site with erythema  streak formation palpable venous cord > 1 inch in length Purulent drainage

The experiment shows that the experimental group had lower incidence of peripheral phlebitis than the control group (p < 0.001). The conclusion of the study can confirm the effectiveness of using Ratranee cold pack to prevent the peripheral phlebitis. Therefore exists, the suggestion to compress the patients who have received intravenous antibiotics with Ratranee cold pack.


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How to Cite

ดลรัตนภัทร ด. (2019). Effect of Ratranee cold pack Application on protecting peripheral phlebitis in private patients Nakornping Hospital. Journal of Nakornping Hospital, 9(2). Retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jnkp/article/view/228081



Research article