Comparison of transabdominal and transvaginal cervical length measurement in obstetric women at Nakornping Hospital


  • อุไรวรรณ วิชาศิลป์


cervical length, preterm, transabdominal, transvagina, ultrasonography


This prospective study aims to determine the correlation betweentransabdominal and transvaginal cervical length measurement inpregnant women between 16 weeks and 23 weeks of gestation atNakornping hospital. The discrepancies in cervical lengths between thetwo methods were analyzed. The results were one hundred and seventy one pregnant women agreed in this study. Paired transabdominal and transvaginal measurements were obtained in 140 women. The mean transabdominal cervical length was 35.4±5.3 mm. and the mean transvaginal cervical length was 38.0±5.5 mm. The 5thpercentile of transabdominal and transvaginal cervical length was 27.4 mm. and 28.8 mm., respectively. All women with transvaginal cervical length < 25 mm had a corresponding transabdominal cervical length <30 mm. In conclusion, the transabdominal cervical length was positively correlated with the transvaginal cervical length. The use of transabdominal ultrasound could be an effective initial tool for cervical length screening in pregnant women at Nakornping hospital. Transabdominal cervical length <30 mm. could be used as a cut-off value for further transvaginal ultrasound


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How to Cite

วิชาศิลป์ อ. (2019). Comparison of transabdominal and transvaginal cervical length measurement in obstetric women at Nakornping Hospital. Journal of Nakornping Hospital, 8(2), 11–20. retrieved from



Research article