The cost of communicable respiratory tract infection using mechanical ventilators in an infectious ward


  • อรศิลป์ ชื่นกุล


The cost, communicable respiratory tract infection using mechanical ventilators


he objective was to study the cost of communicable respiratory tract infectionwho needed mechanical ventilation in the infectious ward at Nakornping Hospital. Thestudy was conducted during October 2012 to September 2013, with a total of 63 recordsin this research include the registration book of the wards contain no hospital name,surname, age, diagnosis of the length of stay and. the overall cost of patients admitted asinpatients. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics include percentage, mean,standard deviation. Student’s t-test was used for test of cost differences betweendiagnostic groups. (p=.067) The results showed that patients infected with tuberculosis costed higher thanother diseases. The higher cost in tuberculosis patients was probably from the longertreatment duration. However, the difference was not statistically significant.


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How to Cite

ชื่นกุล อ. (2019). The cost of communicable respiratory tract infection using mechanical ventilators in an infectious ward. Journal of Nakornping Hospital, 7(2), 11–18. Retrieved from



Research article