The effect of the Cardiopulmonary resuscitation Training on Cardiopulmonary resuscitation knowledge and skills of registered nurses working


  • วันเพ็ญ ศุภตระกูล
  • ศุภักษณา ตันซาว
  • ฐาปณี องคสิทธิ์


The CPR training program, Knowledge skills of the RNs on CPR


The objectives of the quasi-experimental study were to compare the nurses' knowledge and skills on cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) before and after CPR training This quasi-experimental study consists of a single group subject,measure knowledge and skills before and after the cardiopulmonary resuscitation CPR training Purposive sampling subjects was done. Subjects consisted of 65 registered nurses (RNs) form
Nakornping hospital who attend the workshop on the basic life support (BLS) 23 RNs attended the advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) training the research instruments were the CPR training progam and the
evaluation form of the nurses's knowledge and skills on basic and advanced CPR Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage and the different of knowledge and skills before and after the training progam
was tested by using paired t-test. The results of the study showed that the mean score of knowledge and skills on BLS and and ACLS of the subjects after training were significantly higher before the training at p < .001. The researcher suggests that the CPR training program should be done consistently every year. It should be placed the annual plan or as the policy of the hospital. 


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How to Cite

ศุภตระกูล ว., ตันซาว ศ., & องคสิทธิ์ ฐ. (2019). The effect of the Cardiopulmonary resuscitation Training on Cardiopulmonary resuscitation knowledge and skills of registered nurses working. Journal of Nakornping Hospital, 9(1). Retrieved from



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