Development of Information Transfer Model for Patients Undergoing Cardiac Catheterization in Nakornping Hospital


  • ดารณี โตวรกุล


Developmental Information Model, cardiac catheterization


This research was to develop an information transfer model for patients undergoing cardiac catheterization. The research process consisted of four stages as: situation analysis, developing Information transfer model, implementing information transfer model and outcome evaluation. Sixty-six participants were selected, consisted of two groups, the first group was six registered nurses at catheterized laboratory room, and the second group was 60 patients undergoing cardiac catheterization. during November 2018 to January 2019. Research tools consisted of computer-based health information program for patients undergoing cardiac catheterization, brochure, and data collection using, 1) patients’ characteristic data, 2) patients’ anxiety levels, 3) patients’ satisfaction of information transfer model, and 4) nurse’ satisfaction of information transfer model. Data were analyzed and descriptive statistics and pair t-test & chi-square. The results showed that two information transfer models were developed for patients undergoing cardiac catheterization- 1) Emergency case model and 2) Elective case model. Commonly, the two models consisted of 1) nursing care team systematically providing information to patients, 2) information transfer tools: computer-based audiovisual or VDO and brochure, and 3) supervisory of information transfer process and outcome monitoring system. The outcome of information transfer model implementation showed 100% registered nurses agreed with the model and patients’ satisfaction was also as high as 90%. Comparing the anxiety levels before and after receiving information in this model, the levels decreased statistically significant
(before = 6.38 ± 1.12, after = 2.17 ± 1.17, p < 0.001) The quality of care data showed patient denial to cardiac
catheterization decreased (12.2% to 1.7%, p = 0.025) as well as the post cardiac catheterization complication decreased (13.94% to 3.00%, p =0.003). The research outcome showed the application of information
transfer model to improve the performance of nursing out comes; information and instructions transfer to the client 


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How to Cite

โตวรกุล ด. (2019). Development of Information Transfer Model for Patients Undergoing Cardiac Catheterization in Nakornping Hospital. Journal of Nakornping Hospital, 9(1). Retrieved from



Research article