Maintaining of Occupational Health and Safety Management System in Nakornping Hospital


  • ดุสิต อภัยสุวรรณ


การธำรงรักษามาตรฐาน, อาชีวอนามัย, Maintaining, Occupational


The purpose of this is stydy to review the effectiveness of the Occupational health and safety management system, TIS 18001, after the hospital has been stopped external audit from certification body. A cross-sectional survey was conducted in 500 hospital employees via a questionnaire to evaluate knowledge,
attitude, and satisfaction of the system. All of TIS 18001 activities have been maintained. The study found that knowledge, attitude, and satisfaction were at acceptable levels. There was a correlation between attitude and knowledge (Pearson’s correlation coefficient 0.164, p <0.001). No correlation was found between satisfaction to either knowledge or attitude. The researcher concluded that the TIS 18001 system was still effective. The continuous training for workforces is probably the key factor for maintaining the system effectiveness.


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How to Cite

อภัยสุวรรณ ด. (2019). Maintaining of Occupational Health and Safety Management System in Nakornping Hospital. Journal of Nakornping Hospital, 7(1). Retrieved from



Research article