Development of Clinical Nursing Practice Guidelines of VTE Prevention for Orthopedic patients In Nakornpng Hospital.


  • พัชรินทร์ สุตันตปฤดา
  • มัชฌิมา กิติศรี


VTE prevention, nursing guideline of VTE


Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a potential life-threatening acute complication in orthopaedic patients. However, developing the clinical nursing practice guidelines (CNPG) for VTE prevention from evidence based can help to reduce the incidences of VTE. The objective of this study is to develop the CNPG for preventing
VTE and a feasibility of using this CNPG in orthopaedic patients Nakornping Hospital. This study was conducted between February and November in 2015 and was developed following modified the Australian National and Medical Research Council, 1998. Clinical nursing practice guidelines were tested with 38 orthopedics nurses in 4 units. Results revealed that CNPG included three components: 1) assessing &
screening risk of VTE; 2) nursing care of preventing VTE; 3) nursing documentations. After testing guideline 94.74 % of nurses reported high level and nurses accepted that CNPG were applicable and feasible to implement. Therefore, these findings indicate that CNPG are feasibility in preventing VTE in orthopeadic patients Nakornping Hospital. Regarding further studies, nurses could apply this CNPG to assess
other patients who have risk factors of VTE.


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How to Cite

สุตันตปฤดา พ., & กิติศรี ม. (2019). Development of Clinical Nursing Practice Guidelines of VTE Prevention for Orthopedic patients In Nakornpng Hospital. Journal of Nakornping Hospital, 6(2). Retrieved from



Research article