Ergonomic Risk-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders Among Farmers in Nakhon Sawan, Thailand
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Introduction: Farmers are a major group who encounter health problems from their work, particularly musculoskeletal disorders. The musculoskeletal problems of farmers are related to ergonomics in every step of their work. The study aimed to understand ergonomic problems among farmers living in Nakhon Sawan Province.
Methods: A cross-sectional study design was applied to identify risks of musculoskeletal disorders related to ergonomic risk among farmers who had registered with the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives system and lived in Thanamaoy Sub-district, Mueang District in Nakhon Sawan Province. The sample size was calculated using Krejcie and Morgan's formula, and 195 participants were required for the analysis. Participants were selected voluntarily. The rapid entire body assessment (REBA) assessment was used to assess ergonomics risk. Participants were interviewed about their body discomfort related to musculoskeletal disorders. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the characteristics of participants and risk factors.
Results: A total of 195 were recruited into the study; 69.20% were males. The total ergonomic risk was 8.55 REBA (±2.72), presented at a high risk. The mean REBA score in posture of ploughing was 8.33 (±2.75). The mean REBA score in sowing rice seeds and fertilizer was 8.42 (±2.78). The mean REBA score in a posture of the harvest was 8.91 (±2.93). It was found almost hard in the body discomfort assessment at 3.31 ±1.17. According to the total body discomfort, it was found that participants felt mostly in the lower back 4.83, ±.78), thigh 4.78, ±.92), and neck 4.41, ±.92).
Conclusion: Farmers who work on farms are suffering from ergonomic risks, particularly musculoskeletal systems. Effective public health interventions should be introduced to reduce the ergonomic problem among the farmers in Nakhon Sawan Province, Thailand.
Keywords: Ergonomics; Musculoskeletal; Farmers
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