Health and Safety Status of the Elderly in Pa Phayom Sub-District, Phatthalung Province, Thailand
Main Article Content
Background: The proportion of the aging population, the elderly, is rapidly increasing throughout the world including Thailand. Being the elderly, people are vulnerable to many health problems due to the deterioration of physical and mental health including living in poor environment. The study aimed to investigate health and safety statuses of the elderly living in Pa Pha Yom Sub-District Phatthalung Province.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was applied to gather information by a validated questionnaire among people aged 60 and over who lived in Pa Pha Yom Sub-District Phatthalung Province. Data were collected between February and April 2021. Data were analyzed in descriptive fashion, and interpreted properly.
Results: A total of 278 participants were recruited into the study; 68.7% were female, mean age was 71.47 years (SD=7.84), 66.19% were married and 52.16% lived in nuclear families. 26.97% were overweight and obese, 61.51% were having underlying disease, and 34.71% were hypertension. More than half (55.76%) had a vision problem, 70.14% were having a street-crossing problem, 52.16 % had poor sanitation of living areas, and 28.42% had an accident in the past year. One-fourth (23.33%) lived in poor health and safety status.
Conclusion: Promoting the elderly people to live in health and safety statuses is critical for all stakeholders including family and community members. Public health interventions that focus on improving the elderly living environment are extremely and urgently recommended.
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