D09. A Cross-sectional Survey of Traditional Chinese Medicine Constitution in Thailand's Type 2 Diabetic Population

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Sitthichock Vadphimai
Piyapach Thongprew
Wachiraporn Padungkiettiwong
Nakornsub Lawcharoen
Peeranan Pattanamongkol
Xiuge Wang


Introduction: This paper uses "Traditional Chinese Medicine Constitution Classification and Judgment Table" to conduct a cross-sectional survey and research the traditional Chinese Medicine constitution in Thailand's type 2 diabetic population. Objective: To examine the TCM constitution of patients with type 2 diabetes in Thailand.

Methods: This study selected 424 Type 2 diabetes patients from January 2021 to July 2021 in Roi Et City, Thailand, Public Health Service Center, Traditional Chinese Medicine Outpatient Department, and Inpatient Department, Nakhon Ratchasima City, Thailand, Hua Laem Community, Don Thabuang Community, using "Traditional Chinese Medicine Constitution Classification and Judgment Table" for investigation, using Microsoft Excel to collect the general data and the distribution characteristics of TCM constitution, and SPSS 23 software for analysis.

Results: Among 424 people with type 2 diabetes in Thailand, Female patients were 58.96%, and Male patients were 41.04%. The age distribution is at most between 46-and 55 years old. For general data, Patients with a high BMI were 55.42%. The most significant number of cases in the distribution of TCM constitution is "Yin deficiency constitution," 30.2%. The highest distribution of syndrome types was "Qi and Yin deficiency syndrome," 39.7%. The difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).

Conclusion: "Yin deficiency constitution" and "Qi and Yin deficiency syndrome" is found the most in Thai type 2 diabetes patients. Gender, age, education level, diet, and BMI are the factors that affect the formation of the biased constitution in patients with type 2 diabetes.

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How to Cite
Vadphimai, S. ., Thongprew, P. ., Padungkiettiwong, W. ., Lawcharoen, N. ., Pattanamongkol, P. ., & Wang , X. (2022). D09. A Cross-sectional Survey of Traditional Chinese Medicine Constitution in Thailand’s Type 2 Diabetic Population. Journal of Health Science and Alternative Medicine, 279–284. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jhealthscialternmed/article/view/257816
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