C16. Correlation between the 2- and 6- minute Walk Test in Healthy Children Aged 7-10 Years

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Wilawan Chaiut
Sauwaluk Dacha
Ratana Sapbamrer
Rungnapa Malasao


Introduction: The 2- and 6-minute walk tests are used to assess walking ability, but the 2-minute walk test is not commonly known.  

Objective: The purpose of the research was to investigate the correlation between the 2- and 6-minute walk tests in healthy children.

Methods: A Cross-sectional study was carried out on healthy children whose age ranged from 7 to 10 in the first through third grades of primary schools in Chiang Mai province, Northern Thailand. Each participant also completed a 2- and 6-minute walk test on two separate test days by a week. Pearsons’ correlation coefficient (r) was calculated for the relationship between 2- and 6-minute walk test. 

Results: In 2- and 6-minute walk tests, the mean walking distance was 203.6 meter from the 2-minute walk test and 559.79 meter form 6-minute walk test. A significant positive correlation was found between 2- and 6-minute walk tests, r =0.99, p = 0.001 of all participants. 

Conclusion: These data suggest that the 2- and 6-minute walk tests in healthy children have fairly strong positive correlation. Our findings support the 2-minute walk test is a suitable alternative timed walking test for functional capacity testing in children.

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How to Cite
Chaiut, W. ., Dacha, S. ., Sapbamrer, R. ., & Malasao, R. . (2022). C16. Correlation between the 2- and 6- minute Walk Test in Healthy Children Aged 7-10 Years. Journal of Health Science and Alternative Medicine, 147–151. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jhealthscialternmed/article/view/257779
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