Prevalence and Factors Associated with Tobacco Consumption Among People Lived in Pong Klang Village, Pa Daet Sub-district, Mae Suai District, Chiang Rai Province, Thailand

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Charif Naksuk
Aunchana Saengsirikhun
Phornnipa Orlamoon
Pilasinee Wongnuch


Background: Nowadays, the prevalence of tobacco consumption in Thailand was reported in the decreased trend from 2017 to 2019. However,  in the same measure to detect among people living in rural reas in Chiang Rai Province, it was found the  increase. Objective: This study aimed to  determine the prevalence of and determine factors associated with tobacco consumption among people  in Pong Klang Village, Mae Suai District, Chiang Rai Province. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted to gather the information from people aged 15 years and over. Data were collected between March and  April 2020. A vailadted  questionnaire  and ST-5 were used for data collection.    Data were described in forms of  percentage, mean, standard deviation. Logistic regression was used to detect the associations between variables at the significance level of a=0.05. Results: Eighty six people were participated the study;  64,0% were female, and mean of age was 57.6±14.3 years. The prevalence of tobacco consumption was found at 22.1%. In the multivariate model, sex was found to be associated with tobacco consumption;  male had a greater chance of  tobacco consumption than female with a 7.34 time   (95%CI = 2.01-26.86). Conclusion: A specific public health intervention is needed to be developed and intervened for reducing tobacco use  particularly  among males aged 15 years and over.

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How to Cite
Naksuk, C., Saengsirikhun, A. ., Orlamoon, P. ., & Wongnuch, P. (2020). Prevalence and Factors Associated with Tobacco Consumption Among People Lived in Pong Klang Village, Pa Daet Sub-district, Mae Suai District, Chiang Rai Province, Thailand . Journal of Health Science and Alternative Medicine, 2(2), 27–32. retrieved from
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