Hypertension among Health Workers in Nepal: The Health of Health Guardians, 2005-2019

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Prakash Ghimire
Alisha Khadka


Background: Hypertension as the iceberg disease is the major public health concern of this era where global population, especially in low and middle-income countries, are facing its escalating burden. The working-age group population is the principal victim of the morbid and deceased state due to hypertension. The vital workforce of the nation, the health workers are not spared from the thunder of hypertension means several studies around the world piled up the evidence of their vulnerability for hypertension. Objective: The aim of this study was to do a systematic review of literature related to hypertension among health workers in Nepal. Methods: The systematic review of articles and information related to hypertension among health workers in different countries including Nepal published from 2005-2019 onwards using PubMed, PMC, Google scholar and Google was done. The data on prevalence of hypertension, risk factors of hypertension, impact of hypertension, health system and policy in relation to hypertension among general people and health workers were extracted from databases for the systematic review. Results: As other nation’s health workers, health workers of Nepal are shading under the environment which encloses the liable risk factors of hypertension. With the reason of lacking health information of health workers in Nepal, the health system of Nepal is still in the mirage that the health of their health workers does not deviate and not of priority concern. In addition, health workers of Nepal are overlooking their health by practicing unhealthy behaviors knowingly or unknowingly leading to the genesis of hypertension. Conclusion: In conclusion, the health workers of Nepal are in the potential risk of hypertension as similar to another workforce as well as the general population. Therefore, this hidden truth needs to be investigated, uncovered and addressed accordingly by the health system of Nepal and health workers themselves.

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How to Cite
Ghimire, P., & Khadka, A. (2019). Hypertension among Health Workers in Nepal: The Health of Health Guardians, 2005-2019. Journal of Health Science and Alternative Medicine, 1(2), 19–25. Retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jhealthscialternmed/article/view/207482
Review Article


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