Corporation and Standard Monitoring in Health Service Model Development of Tumbol Health Promoting Hospitals after Decentalization to The Provincial Administrative Organizaion: A case study of Phetchabun Province

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pachara matian
Pratoom Muangpe


This participatory action research aimed to 1) Examine the situation regarding
the devolution of Sub-district Health Promoting Hospitals (SHPH), 2) Develop a model for coordinating collaboration and overseeing the service standards of SHPH, and 3) Evaluate the effectiveness of
the developed model for coordinating collaboration and managing service standards of SHPH following the decentralization to the Provincial Administrative Organization (PAO). Collecting data from July 2566 to March 2567, incorporating both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. Quantitative data analysis was conducted utilizing descriptive statistics, qualitative data were analyzed through content analysis.

The findings indicated that Phetchabun Province has a total of 154 SHPHs, with 62 (40.26%) of these establishments falling under the jurisdiction of the PAO. The devolution of SHPH manifests in two distinct models: 1) Districts where devolution has been implemented across all locations, represented by a single district, and     2) Districts where devolution has been selectively applied to certain locations. Within ten districts, the model for coordinating collaboration and overseeing service standards of SHPH, following the transfer of responsibilities to the PAO of Phetchabun Province, is termed the PHET MODEL consists of P: Participation, signifying the process of fostering involvement; H: Health Service, denoting the organization of health service systems; E: Empowerment, representing the process of strengthening capabilities; and T: Teamwork, indicating the process of collaborative effort. The outcomes of the development revealed that prior to implementation, satisfaction with the model was at a moderate level. Following the implementation, overall satisfaction increased to the highest level.

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How to Cite
matian, pachara, & Muangpe, P. (2024). Corporation and Standard Monitoring in Health Service Model Development of Tumbol Health Promoting Hospitals after Decentalization to The Provincial Administrative Organizaion: A case study of Phetchabun Province. Journal of Disease Prevention and Control : DPC. 2 Phitsanulok, 11(2), 110. Retrieved from


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