Model of Development for Primary Care Service System Branch at District Health Promoting Hospital, Chiang Mai Province.

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surasit tametip


This mixed methods research aimed to study the model of development for primary care service system branch at District Health Promoting Hospital, Chiang Mai Province. Research methodology consist of 3 phrases including phrase 1: to study the process of development for primary care service system branch at District Health Promoting Hospital as interviewed the subjects by structure interviewed and focus group. Phrase 2: to identify the pattern of the model of development for primary care service system branch at District Health Promoting Hospital composed of 6 activities including; 1) meeting to search the problems for primary care service practicing, 2) to analysis the context based-problem 3) to establish the plans and projects to solve problems 4) to set all activities as PDCA process 5) monitoring controlling and evaluation 6) to set the lesson learned. Phrase 3: to evaluate the model of development for primary care service system branch at District Health Promoting Hospital. Research designed used quasi-experimental study within 30 health workers group who worked in District Health Promoting Hospital. Collecting data by questionnaire and data comparing average score as pre-test and post-test, data analysis uses statistics by Independent t-test. The result reported that, after experimental the model of development for primary care service system branch at District Health Promoting Hospital had increased mean score significantly such as administrative factors (P-value<0.001) health service factors (P-value<0.001) academic factors (P-value<0.001), respectively

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How to Cite
tametip, surasit. (2024). Model of Development for Primary Care Service System Branch at District Health Promoting Hospital, Chiang Mai Province. Journal of Disease Prevention and Control : DPC. 2 Phitsanulok, 11(2), 141. Retrieved from


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