Format for Submitted Manuscripts
Format for Submitted Manuscripts
Original articles and reviews should be itemised as follows:
Title should be short and informative, must not use abbreviations, and should be typed on the first page in English.
Author’s name is to be printed on the second page. If there are several authors, arrange the names according to priority and give details of educational background, position, work place, and authors’ postal and e-mail addresses if available.
Abstract is a short article referring briefly to objectives, methods, results (without citing documents or illustrations or tables) and discussion. An abstract should be no more than 200 words in length.
Keywords: Articles should append keywords or short phrases of 3-10 syllables that will help with indexing.
Texts of research reports should be separated into the following headings.
1. Introduction should include literature reviews of previous studies, research questions, and the rationale for conducting the study. The Introduction should not be too long and should be easy to read and understand.
2. Materials and Methods refers to the materials used in the study and the procedures and the methods by which the results were obtained. The Materials and Methods should be clearly described in a logical sequence.
3. Results should show the data gained from the study’s design in text, tables and/or illustrations, as appropriate.
4. Discussion is criticism, explanation and defense of the results from the standpoint of the author, and comparison with other peoples’ reports. The discussion can include criticism of materials, methods and study results, problems and difficulties, pointing out the benefits of adoption and providing feedback where appropriate.
5. Conclusions refers to a summary of the study or research results.
6. Acknowledgements is a thank you note to sponsors, contributors and supporters of the study and report.
7. References should be confined to documents relating to the author’s article or study. The number should not exceed 80, placed in order and using numbers which are raised and put in parentheses, starting with number 1 in the article and reference document’s name. If there are six or fewer authors to the reference work referred to, all their names will be included. However, if the cited artcile has more than seven authors, only the first three names will be given, followed by et al. Journal abbreviations should follow the latest edition of the Index Medicus.