The Effect of Light Curing Time on the Color Stability of Bulk Fill Resin Composites in Different Immersion Media: Spectrophotometer Analysis
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Objective: To evaluated the effect of light curing time and immersion media on the color stability between bulk fill resin composites and conventional resin composites.
Methods: The resin composites specimens were divided in 2 groups following the type of resin composites (bulk fill resin composites and conventional resin composites), prepared by using a metal tablet-shape mold, which was 6 mm in diameter and 4 mm in thickness (n=120). Then, each group was divided in 3 subgroups following the light curing time; 10, 20 and 40 seconds. Each subgroup was divided for 4 immersion media; distilled water (DI), colorant water (CL), colorant water with carbonated (SD) and colorant water with alcohol (AL). Color difference (DE) was evaluated by the spectrophotometer at the bottom of the specimens after cured and 30 days after immersed in those solutions. Data were statistically analyzed by Three-ways ANOVA and Tukey HSD’s multiple comparison (p<0.05).
Result: The group of conventional resin composites had a higher mean color difference than bulk fill resin composites. The group of 10 seconds light curing time had a higher mean color difference than the groups of 20 and 40 seconds. There was no statistically significant difference between the groups of 20 and 40 seconds, except the group of 40 seconds light curing time in conventional resin composites which immersed in colorant water with alcohol had a lower mean color difference than the group of 20 seconds. The group of colorant water with alcohol had the highest mean color difference.
Conclusion: The group of 10 seconds light curing time and the group which immersed in colorant water with alcohol had the highest mean color difference. The group of conventional resin composites had a higher mean color difference than bulk fill resin composites.
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