Root Reinforcement of Immature Permanent Teeth Treated with Apexification: A Literature Review

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Aetas Amponnawarat
Anat Dewi
Tanida Srisuwan
Phumisak Louwakul


Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) apexification is one of the treatment options for immature, permanent teeth with necrotic pulps. Although apexification may be successful, the canal walls of immature teeth are still thin and vulnerable to fracture. Attempts have been made to reduce the risk of fracture of such teeth so that they can remain in function for a longer period of time. Researchers have come across the idea of intraradicular reinforcement with various materials. The research trend nowadays is focused mainly on methods which yield the greatest strength to the immature teeth treated with apexification. This article reviews the reinforcement methods and materials used for reinforcing immature, permanent teeth with necrotic pulps treated with apexification.

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Amponnawarat, A. ., Dewi, A. ., Srisuwan, T. ., & Louwakul, P. . (2019). Root Reinforcement of Immature Permanent Teeth Treated with Apexification: A Literature Review. Chiang Mai Dental Journal, 40(3), 43–53. Retrieved from
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