Concepts of Health and Humanized Health Care in Comprehensive Dental Care

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Darunee Owittayakul
Paklekha Saenghuttawattana
Atisak Chuengpattanawadee


The World Health Organization (WHO) defines “Health” as “a state of complete physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being.” To apply the definition of health in comprehensive dental care concepts, dentists need to change aspects of treatments that focus only on teeth to establish the optimal oral health of patients which relates to their biological, psychological and social factors. Methods to achieve the goals begin with learning the principles of holistic health care concept and humanized health care for application in dental plans and treatments. Therefore, this article provides concepts of health and disease, the holistic concept and humanized health care.

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How to Cite
Owittayakul, D. ., Saenghuttawattana, P. ., & Chuengpattanawadee, A. . (2019). Concepts of Health and Humanized Health Care in Comprehensive Dental Care. Chiang Mai Dental Journal, 38(2), 53–63. Retrieved from
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