Factors Affecting the Force Distribution of Implant-assisted Distal-extension Removable Partial Denture

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Kallaya Kujarearntaworn
Chaiy Rungsiyakull
Kullapop Suttiat
Pimduen Rungsiyakull


Removable partial denture (RPD) is considered as one of the treatment of choices to replace missing teeth in Kennedy Class I partial edentulous patient. However, a mismatch support between tissue resiliency at the distal extension base and teeth causes a rotational movement of the RPD, resulting in tooth damage, soft tissue ulceration, and eventually a residual ridge resorption. Placing dental implants at the distal extension area has been proposed as treatment protocol for implant retained RPD overdenture to equalize the supporting structure to stabilize the denture. This present review discusses about the stress-strain distributions in the implant assisted RPD related to the following aspects: (1) implant location, (2) occlusal rest position at the abutment teeth, (3) loading patterns, (4) implant length and diameter, (5)  connection type between prostheses and implants, (6) implant inclination and (7) alveolar ridge shape and quality of bone.

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How to Cite
Kujarearntaworn, K. ., Rungsiyakull, C. ., Suttiat, K. ., & Rungsiyakull, P. . (2019). Factors Affecting the Force Distribution of Implant-assisted Distal-extension Removable Partial Denture. Chiang Mai Dental Journal, 38(2), 27–38. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/cmdj/article/view/210635
Review article


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