Effect of Interproximal Contact on Load Transfer by Implant-supported 2-unit Cantilevered Prostheses
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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of proximal contact on strain developed in implant-supported 2-unit cantilever.
Materials and methods: Two 10-mm long, Brånemark® Mk III implants (Noble Biocare, GÖteberg, Sweden), were placed vertically in the simulated bone model (acrylic resin model) at the position of first premolar and first molar. Strain gauges (model C2A-13-031 WW-350, Vishay MicroMeasurements Group Inc., Raleigh, North Carolina) were attached at the mesial and distal alveolar crest of the simulated bone at the first premolar implant. Static loads of 200 N were axially applied using a universal testing machine (Instron 5566; MA, U.S.A.) at the 10 mm distally from the center of first premolar implant. The specimens were divided into 4 groups; which were: 1) no proximal contact group or cantilever bridge 2)1x1 mm2 contact surface area group 3) 3x3 mm2 contact surface area group 4) splinted group. Maximum principal strains were determined for each interproximal contact designs. The study variables were analyzed using one way ANOVA and a significant level of 5% was applied throughout the analyses.
Result: Splinted group exhibited the lowest maximum principal strain, while no proximal contact group demonstrated the highest values. There were no statistically differences in maximum principal strains between the 1x1 mm2 and 3x3 mm2 contact surface area group. Greater strain values were found at the distal side of the implant compared to the mesial one in all groups, except splinted group (p – value < 0.05).
Conclusion: Splinted prostheses exhibited the best load sharing, followed by the designs with contact surface area and no contact, respectively. The size of contact surface area tends to show no effect on this study.
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