Effect of Universal Adhesive and Thermocycling on Shear Bond Strength of Resin Composite Repair

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Weeranuch Thong-ngarm
Sirinart Cheewakriengkrai


Objectives: To compare the effect of universal adhesive and conventional adhesive system on shear bond strength of resin composite repair before and after thermocycling.

Methods: Ninety resin composite (FiltekTM Z350 XT) rods were aged by 5,000 cycles of thermocycling and mounted with self-cured resin acrylic in PVC tubes. Resin composite surface was polished with 320-grit silicon carbide paper disc. Each resin composite surface was prepared with 37% phosphoric acid for 15 s. Specimens were randomly divided into 6 groups of 15 specimens each (n=15). SM group and SM+T group: apply Scotchbond™ Multi-Purpose Plus Adhesive. SiSM group and SiSM+T group: apply silane (RelyXTM Ceramic Primer) and Scotchbond™ Multi-Purpose Plus Adhesive.  SBU group and SBU+T group: apply Single Bond Universal Adhesive. All specimens were light cured for 20 s. Resin composite were filled on prepared surfaces and light cured for 40 s. Specimens were stored in distilled water at 37o C for 24 hour. Specimens in SM, SiSM and SBU groups were loaded in a Universal Testing Machine for shear bond strength testing without thermocycling. Specimens in SM+T, SiSM+T and SBU+T groups were loaded after 5,000 thermocycles. Bond strength data was statistically analyzed by One-way ANOVA and T-test. Failure modes were examined by an inverted phase contrast microscope.

Results: After 24 hour of composite repair, SBU group (113.62+24.80 MPa) showed the statically significant difference in the highest shear bond strength compared to SM group (63.92+17.82 MPa) and SiSM group (85.82+9.82 MPa). After thermocycling, SM+T group (36.41+7.01 MPa) showed significant lower bond strength than SM group, SiSM+T group (63.01+14.44 MPa) was lower than SiSM group, and SBU+T group (84.48+6.86 MPa) was lower than SBU group. All specimens in SM, SM+T, SiSM and SiSM+T groups showed adhesive failure, while SBU group showed cohesive failure and SBU+T group showed both failure types.

Conclusion: Resin composite repair with Single Bond Universal Adhesive showed higher shear bond strength than Scotchbond™ Multi-Purpose Plus Adhesive, either with silane or not, and the bond strength decrease after thermocycling.

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How to Cite
Thong-ngarm, W. ., & Cheewakriengkrai, S. . (2019). Effect of Universal Adhesive and Thermocycling on Shear Bond Strength of Resin Composite Repair. Chiang Mai Dental Journal, 40(2), 81–92. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/cmdj/article/view/210365
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