In Vitro Effectiveness of Rice Gel as Bleaching Carrier on Color Alteration of Human Tooth

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Natthachai Jaraspankul
Marisa Sukapattee
Chuanchom Sirisuwat
Phafan Lawantrakul
Thanapat Sastraruji
Adchareeya Keawpinta
Siriporn Okonogi
Sakornrat Kongkhuntien
Pisaisit Chaijareenont


Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of rice gel with bleaching agents on human tooth color alteration compared with commercial bleaching gels.

Material and methods: Sixty human teeth were randomly divided into 6 groups (10 for each group). The color of all specimens was measured before and after bleaching for 2 weeks by spectrophotometer. The concentration of 10%, 20% and 35% commercial carbamide peroxide (CP) gel as well as 10% and 20% CP in rice gel were used in experimental groups. For the duration, the specimens were immersed 8 hours with 10% CP and 4 hours with 20% CP as commercial recommendation and 8 hours with placebo rice gel that was used as a negative control while 35% commercial CP gel was used as a positive control for 1 hour period. All specimens were kept in 100% relative humidity at 37ºC. The alteration of color was compared by one way ANOVA and Tamhane’s test with a significant level of 0.05.

Results: Rice gel with 10% CP was the most effective agent to change the tooth color with the mean and SD delta change of 15.17±1.51, followimg by 35% CP positive control (12.67±2.39). The negative control group showed significantly less efficacy (2.13±0.89) while other test groups demonstrated similar efficacy in color alteration (11.14±4.37 – 10.98±3.51).

Conclusion: CP rice gel and commercial CP gel have similar efficacy in tooth color alteration. Rice gel with 10% CP shows the best result in color alteration with no significant

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How to Cite
Jaraspankul, N. ., Sukapattee, M. ., Sirisuwat, C. ., Lawantrakul, P. ., Sastraruji, T. ., Keawpinta, A. ., Okonogi, S. ., Kongkhuntien, S. ., & Chaijareenont, P. . (2018). In Vitro Effectiveness of Rice Gel as Bleaching Carrier on Color Alteration of Human Tooth. Chiang Mai Dental Journal, 39(3), 59–69. Retrieved from
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