Restorative Treatment by Reattachment of Anterior Tooth Fragments: A Case Report

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Kanokwan Waleeratanawong
Vanida Teerawatvatin


Crown fractures are common clinical manifestations of dental injuries, causing pain to the patient with psychological and social impact. One treatment for coronal tooth fracture is reattachment of the fragments due to the improve adhesives. There is a lot of evidence to show that reattachment is appropriate for treating a fractured tooth. This treatment is suitable for patients who have complete fragment adaptation. The advantages over traditional restorative procedures are that the treatment is more conservative, easier, less time-consuming, and provides better aesthetics. In urgent cases, it is a provisional treatment before a definitive treatment. However, re-attached teeth have less strength than intact teeth. Based on a literature review, the factors that contribute to increase fracture strength of reattached teeth are a) rehydration of the fragments, b) the specific techniques for tooth preparation, and c) the adhesive material. This case study presents the treatment of a patient, who had suffered an accidental crown fracture of the maxillary right central incisor, using the reattachment technique.

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How to Cite
Waleeratanawong, K. ., & Teerawatvatin, V. . (2019). Restorative Treatment by Reattachment of Anterior Tooth Fragments: A Case Report. Chiang Mai Dental Journal, 40(1), 127–137. Retrieved from
Case report


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