Comparison of Maxillary Root Surface Areas in Thai Patients with Class I and Class II Skeletal Patterns Using Cone-beam Computed Tomography

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Suchada Limsiriwong
Wikanda Khemaleelaku
Supassara Sirabanchongkran
Patiyut Sriwila
Dhirawat Jotikasthira


Purpose: To compare root surface areas of maxillary permanent teeth in Thai patients with Class I and Class II skeletal patterns using conebeam computed tomography.

Materials and Methods: Pretreatment conebeam computed tomography images of 30 Thai orthodontic patients with Class I and Class II skeletal patterns were selected. Maxillary teeth from central incisor to second molar on both sides were chosen for investigation with 3-D dental crown and root construction. The cemento-enamel junction was identified and labeled; the area apical to the cemento-enamel junction was measured as the root surface area. Descriptive statistical analyses were performed.

Results: Mean root surface areas of maxillary permanent teeth from central incisor to second molar in patients with Class I skeletal pattern were 208.51, 193.87, 275.54, 258.70, 233.35, 447.41 and 386.26 mm2, respectively, and 203.55, 191.16, 262.44, 236.47, 227.91, 408.38 and 351.70 mm2, respectively in those with Class II skeletal pattern. Root surface areas of first premolar, first molars and second molars in patients with Class II skeletal pattern were significantly smaller than those with Class I skeletal pattern.

Conclusions: Root surface areas of maxillary first premolars, first molars and second molars in patients with Class II skeletal pattern were smaller than those with Class I skeletal pattern.

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How to Cite
Limsiriwong, S., Khemaleelaku, W. ., Sirabanchongkran, S. ., Sriwila, P. ., & Jotikasthira, D. (2019). Comparison of Maxillary Root Surface Areas in Thai Patients with Class I and Class II Skeletal Patterns Using Cone-beam Computed Tomography. Chiang Mai Dental Journal, 40(1), 57–66. retrieved from
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