Effectiveness of self-management supporting program among older people with hypertension: a systematic review


  • Yupin Muentip Faculty of Nursing, Nakhonratchasima College
  • Sakkarin Suwanwaha* Boromarajonani College of Nursing Songkhla, Faculty of Nursing, Praboromarajchanok Institute
  • Rodchana Wiriyasombat Faculty of Nursing, Nakhonratchasima College


Self-management supporting program, Older People, Hypertension, Systematic Review


Hypertension is both chronic and incurable disease. However, it could be controlled using self-management enhancement activities. This systematic review aimed to summarize the existing evidences related to self-management supporting program in older people with hypertension. A systematic search was performed to retrieve published and unpublished studies in older adults aged 60 years and over. Measured outcomes included self-management behaviors, adherence to medications, and blood pressure. Both Thai and English studies published from 2011 to 2023 were searched through electronic medical and nursing data bases based on PRISMA guideline. Quality assessment and data extraction was independently implemented by 3 researchers using quality appraisal form and data extraction form developed by Joana Briggs Institute. Data were analyzed using narrative summarization. Systematic review results revealed 13 studies, of which 3 were randomized controlled trials and 10 were quasi-experimental studies. Self-management supporting program in older people with hypertension had various components. Main components included self-management skill training, education, health behavior modification, family support, home visits, and telephone follow-up. Program outcomes covered self-management behaviors, blood pressure, adherence to medication, quality of life, body mass index, and exercise self-efficacy. Overall, self-management supporting program in older people with hypertension proved its effectiveness in these outcomes. Hence, nurses should enhance self-management behaviors in older people with hypertension. However, as limitation, most of the reviewed studies were quasi-experimental studies. Thus, further systematic review should include more randomized controlled trials in the review


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How to Cite

Muentip, Y., Suwanwaha*, S., & Wiriyasombat, R. (2024). Effectiveness of self-management supporting program among older people with hypertension: a systematic review. Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 25(3), e272539 . retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bcnpy/article/view/272539



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