Perceived positive psychological capital and factors associated with the development of positive psychological capital among nursing students


  • Pimpimon Wongchaiya Lecturer, Nursing Instructor in Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University
  • Maneerat Punsawat Lecturer, Nursing Instructor in Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University


Positive psychological capital, Factor contributing, Barriers, Nursing students


Positive psychological capital is the positive characteristics of the mind that contribute to individuals’ well-being and success. This study aimed to explore the perception of positive psychological capital among nursing students and the factors associated with its development. A descriptive qualitative research was employed and a semi-structured interview was used for data collection. The informants were fifteen nursing students. A content analysis was performed to establish themes and sub-themes. Three main themes were established from the preexisting framework: perceptions of positive psychological capital, factors contributing to positive psychological capital developments, and barriers to developing positive psychological capital. The perception of positive psychological capital theme had two sub-themes including 1) perceptions of strength and weakness regarding positive psychological capital, and 2) changes in positive psychological capital. Within factors contributing to positive psychological capital developments, six subthemes emerged including support and care from significant ones, learning from doing, coping and stress management, motivations for a better future of their own and families, learning from a model, and adjusted perspectives and reframing thoughts. Regarding barriers to developing positive psychological capital themes, three subthemes were revealed: 1) negative interactions, 2) ineffective coping, and 3) lack of confidence. These emerging themes would be useful for creating a model for developing positive psychological capital for nursing students.


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How to Cite

Wongchaiya, P., & Punsawat, M. (2024). Perceived positive psychological capital and factors associated with the development of positive psychological capital among nursing students. Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 25(2), e272450. retrieved from



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