Effects of re-training with home visits on knowledge and practical skills among peritoneal dialysis patients with peritonitis


  • Busabarat Yawichai Registered nurse, Chiangkham Hospital Phayao Province
  • Wanpen Boonprasert Lecturer, Faculty of Nursing Chiang Rai Rajabhat University


Re-training, Knowledge, Practical skill, Peritoneal dialysis, Peritonitis


Peritonitis is a significant and common complication in peritoneal dialysis patients, re-training with home visits was required in both knowledge and practical skills in peritoneal dialysis, along with continuous monitoring at home to reduce the severity of the disease and prevent the recurrence of peritonitis. The research aimed to compare the knowledge and practical skills to prevent peritonitis before and after re-training among peritoneal dialysis patients with peritonitis. This study was a quasi-experimental research, one group pretest-posttest design. A purposive sampling group of peritoneal dialysis patients with peritonitis in 34 cases was assigned to re-training and follow-up at Chiang Kham Hospital and continuous home health care. Data were collected using questionnaires, knowledge tests, and practical skills assessment in peritoneal dialysis assessment form. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. After program completion, the scores of knowledge and practical skills were statistically significantly higher than before the re-training with home visits for continuity of care (p<.01). The study showed that re-training results increase peritoneal dialysis patients' knowledge and practical skills and continuous self-care in performing peritoneal dialysis. Therefore, continuous follow-up and application as a training model for new peritoneal dialysis patients and further training in peritoneal dialysis patients with peritonitis are recommended in other areas.


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How to Cite

Yawichai, B., & Boonprasert, W. (2024). Effects of re-training with home visits on knowledge and practical skills among peritoneal dialysis patients with peritonitis. Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 25(2), e271048. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bcnpy/article/view/271048



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