Participatory interactive learning through action management to enhance the community health management competency of the network community: A case study of health region 1


  • Kanokwan Aiemchai Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Phayao, Faculty of Nursing, Praboromarajchanok Institute
  • Muttana Sombutwuttanawet Chiang Muan Hospital, Phayao province
  • Wilawan Senaratana Panyapiwat Institute of Management
  • Jaras Singkaew Yang Noeng Health Promoting Hospital, Chiang Mai province


Quality of life, Community health system management, Network community, Health system management, Participatory interactive learning through action


This article aims to study the learning process utilizing Participatory Interactive Learning through Action (PILA), based on the foundation contexts and concepts from co-thinking, co-action, and collaborative learning principles. The study focuses on improving learning benefits and guidelines for enhancing the competency of community health management among network members in Health Region 1. The PILA process is an experience learning approach that originates from realistic practice, aligning with the context and activities in the field to collectively initiate strengthening community health management. This learning process integrates practical knowledge expanded from experiences with academic knowledge, aiming to enhance the quality of life for the population. Eventually, this contributes to the effective development of community health systems for the comprehensive well-being of the country.


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How to Cite

Aiemchai, K., Sombutwuttanawet, M. ., Senaratana, W. ., & Singkaew, J. (2024). Participatory interactive learning through action management to enhance the community health management competency of the network community: A case study of health region 1. Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 25(1), 111–129. Retrieved from



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