The spiritual distress as perceived by Thai male adolescents with suicidal ideation: A qualitative study


  • Chalermpon Kajai Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Phayao, Faculty of Nursing, Boromrajchanok Institute
  • Panyot Thongchai Rongkwang District Public Health Office
  • Nopparat Komat Chiang Rai Prachanukroh Hospital
  • Winai Robkob Boromarajonani College of Nursing Nakhon Lampang, Faculty of Nursing, Praboromarajchanok Institute.


Spiritual distress, Suicidal ideation, Male adolescents, Northern region


Suicidal ideation and completed suicide cases continue to pose a growing public health concern, leading to numerous adverse effects on individuals, families, society, and the nation. This descriptive qualitative research aimed to explain the causes of spiritual distress regarding the perception among Thai male adolescents with suicidal ideation. Sixteen male adolescents aged 10-19 years were purposively selected. They were admitted to a psychiatric clinic of a government hospital in the Northern Region and assessed with suicidal ideation. Data were collected through in-depth interviews and analyzed content analysis. The study found that spiritual distress along with perceptions among Northern Thai male adolescents with suicidal ideation could be divided into five causes: 1) relationship problems with family members, 2) a lack of life goals, 3) a lack of spiritual anchors, 4) to dwell on past failures, and 5) academic burnout. Therefore, healthcare providers should understand these causes of spiritual distress from the perspective of Northern Thai male adolescents with suicidal ideation, and apply to develop an appropriate healthcare service model for addressing patients with mental health conditions in psychiatric clinics at government hospitals in the northern region.


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How to Cite

Kajai, C., Thongchai, P., Komat, N., & Robkob, W. (2024). The spiritual distress as perceived by Thai male adolescents with suicidal ideation: A qualitative study. Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 25(1), 64–78. Retrieved from



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