Factors related to sodium consumption behaviors among nursing students


  • Donlapron Khamdo Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Phayao, Faculty of Nursing, Boromrajchanok Institute
  • Phimchanok Phongpimol Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Phayao, Faculty of Nursing, Boromrajchanok Institute
  • Donnapa Chaisombut BoromarajonaniCollege of Nursing Phayao, Faculty of Nursing, PraboromrajchanokInstitute
  • Suttinee Nuntarit Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Phayao, Faculty of Nursing, Boromrajchanok Institute


Consumption behavior, Sodium, Nursing students


High sodium intake is implicated in the development of hypertension, kidney disease, and cardiovascular disease. All serious health problems in Thailand, and Internationally. Nursing students are health professionals who have a duty to act as role models with regards to their sodium intake. This correlational, descriptive research aimed to identify attitudes and behaviors relating to sodium consumption among nursing students. Purposive sampling was used to recruit 217 nursing students in years 1-4, in the academic year 2022. Research tools composed of five parts; demographic data, predisposing factors, reinforcing factors, enabling, and sodium consumption behaviors. These tools were approved by three experts. A questionnaire was used to collect data. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The relationships between various factors and sodium consumption behaviors were tested by using Chi-Square and Pearson's correlation statistics. The results revealed that Predisposing factors: students’ knowledge and sodium consumption behaviors were at a moderate level, but their attitude towards sodium consumption was at a good level. Enabling factors: the ability to access services or food sources was at a moderate level. Reinforcing factors: students received news/information about sodium consumption at a moderate level. They received encouragement from people regarding sodium consumption at a low level. Their sodium consumption behavior was at a moderate level. Factors significantly related to sodium consumption behaviors included age with a low positive correlation (r=.149, p<.05) and ability to access services or food sources with a low positive correlation (r=.156, p<.05). Research findings suggest educational activities should be provided regarding the impact of high sodium consumption to try and bring about a lowering of sodium consumption. Increased access to a variety of food sources and services is needed to support students in having more options in consuming a low sodium diet.


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How to Cite

Khamdo, D. ., Phongpimol, P. ., Chaisombut, D., & Nuntarit, S. . (2023). Factors related to sodium consumption behaviors among nursing students. Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 24(3), 125–139. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bcnpy/article/view/266974



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