Family functions, life skills, social support, and mental health problemsof clients at a university counseling center: predictive study


  • Ampaphan Rutthapichairuck Faculty of Social Science, Kasetsart University
  • Ngamlamai Piolueang Faculty of Social Science, Kasetsart University


Mental health problems, Consulting center, Life skill, Family function, Social support


Studying the factors affecting the mental health of university students at counseling center is a piece of crucial basic information to support and prevent mental health issues in students. The objectives of this research were to study the influence of personal factors, family functions, life skills, and social support on the mental health problems of clients. The sample was conducted amongst 230 students who were the clients at the university counseling center in 2023. The research instruments used were questionnaires regarding personal factors, the Thai GHQ-28 evaluation form, family functions, life skills, and social support. The Cronbach's alpha values of the Thai GHQ-28 evaluation form, family functions, life skills, and social support were .84 .93 .89 and .92, respectively. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis with a stepwise method. The results found that self-awareness in life skills, grade point average, and family functions through communication perspective could significantly predict clients' mental health problems at the university counseling center at 16.20 percent. (p<.05) Thus, the counseling center should hold activities or conduct training workshops that enhance grade point average, self-awareness in life skills, and family functions through communication to prevent clients' mental health problems.


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How to Cite

Rutthapichairuck, A., & Piolueang, N. (2024). Family functions, life skills, social support, and mental health problemsof clients at a university counseling center: predictive study . Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 25(1), 18–31. Retrieved from



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