Caring situation of patients with surgical catheters in surgical nursing division, regional hospital
Caring situation, Patients with surgical drains, Patient safetyAbstract
Retaining a catheter or drain in a patient is a safety management used to treat, monitor, and evaluate the patient's condition. Malposition or disconnection of the catheter or drain can result in active bleeding and respiratory discomfort. The purpose of this qualitative research was to study the situation of caring for patients with tubes and lines in the surgical nursing division of a southern regional hospital. Nineteen informants were purposively selected, consisting of 1) four head nurses, 2) eight risk leader nurses, 3) a risk committee member, 4) a surgical doctor, and 5) five practical nurses. Research tools included the demographic questionnaire and a semi-structured interview form. Data were collected through in-depth individual interviews and document reviews. Data from the interviews were transcribed verbatim and analyzed using content analysis. The results of this study found that the situation of caring for patients with catheters and drains consisted of 6 issues as follows: 1) inconsistency in knowledge and skills among the nursing team, 2) a lack of communication of safety management policies to all nursing team, 3) outdated guidelines 4) continuously inadequate supervision and follow-up 5) limited choice of medical supplies, and 6) restricted nursing practice area between beds. The results of the incident reviewed three related issues causing catheter or drain slippage: 1) changes in the patient's condition, 2) inappropriate patient transferring, and 3) moving the patient when performing nursing activities. The results of this study can provide information for administrators and nursing practice teams in developing a safety management model for caring for patients with catheters or drains.
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