Factors affecting success of using knowledge management process for organization development


  • Natpalin Ninpeng Boromarajonani College of Nursing Chiang mai, Faculty of Nursing, Praboromarajchanok Institute
  • Phitinan Isarangura Na Ayudhaya Boromarajonani College of Nursing Chiang mai, Faculty of Nursing, Praboromarajchanok Institute
  • Varisa Voravong Boromarajonani College of Nursing Chiang mai, Faculty of Nursing, Praboromarajchanok Institute
  • Supattra Sinthubua Boromarajonani College of Nursing Chiang mai, Faculty of Nursing, Praboromarajchanok Institute
  • Chutiya Thuyjun Boromarajonani College of Nursing Chiang mai, Faculty of Nursing, Praboromarajchanok Institute


Knowledge management process, Factors affecting success, Success level, Organization development


The implementation of knowledge management practices is important tool for educational institutions to become a learning organization. This research aimed to study the success levels of knowledge management process and investigate factors affecting the success of knowledge management in organizational development. The population was 84 teachers and staffs of of Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Chiang Mai. The research instrument was questionnaires about the opinion of success levels in knowledge management and the factors influencing the success of knowledge management process that created by the researchers. The researchers developed research questionnaire based on principle of knowledge management and management process with Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of .98. The data were analyzed by using descriptive satistic and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The results revealed that 1) the overall success levels of knowledge management process were at high level. When classified by aspect, it was found that the knowledge identification was promoted at the highest level. 2) The success level of factors influencing in knowledge management process were at high level; especially the communication factor was promoted at the highest level. 3) There are three factors influencing the success of knowledge management process including the measurement, the communication, and the process and instrument. All three factors had predictive power for success in knowledge management process with a correlation coefficient was .922 at the .005 level, and contributed about 84.4% in the success of knowledge management process implementation. The results of this study can be used to develop policies and strategies that will contribute to a high-performance organization and continue serving as a model for other organizations.


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How to Cite

Ninpeng , N. ., Isarangura Na Ayudhaya, P., Voravong , V. ., Sinthubua , S. ., & Thuyjun , C. . (2023). Factors affecting success of using knowledge management process for organization development. Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 24(2), 37–49. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bcnpy/article/view/263590



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