Factors related to the quality of life in older thai patients with end stage kidney disease (ESKD) undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD)
End stage kidney disease, Older people, Quality of life, Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD)Abstract
Thai ESKD patients undergoing CAPD. one hundred and one older people were recruited for the study from six peritoneal dialysis clinics in Phayao province from December 2018 to March 2019. The instruments consisted of information on demographics and the Thai version of the KDQOL-36 questionnaires. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Spearman’s correlation, and Chi-Square test. The results found that the overall quality of life in older CAPD patients was low (x= 48.23, SD=14.57) at 58.40%. Age (r=-0.25) and time receiving peritoneal dialysis (months) (r=-0.24) were significantly negatively associated with the quality of life in the physical domain (p<.05). While the episode of peritonitis (r=-0.21) was significantly negatively associated with quality of life in the domain of effects of kidney disease and burden of kidney disease (r=-0.23, p<.05). These results also found that comorbidities had a statistically significant correlation with quality of life in the burden of kidney disease (=14.33; p<.05). Therefore, the group of older people undergoing CAPD who are older, longer receiving CAPD, and experiencing episodes of peritonitis and comorbidities should be assertively addressing and continuing to improve their quality of life in the physical, effect of kidney disease, and burden of kidney disease domain.
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